The Spam Diaries

News and musings about the fight against spam.
 by Edward Falk

Friday, August 10, 2007

Citizen sues Representative John Doolittle for spamming

This just in from SpamSuite: Sindeelou Thomson has sued US Representative John Doolittle for sending her unwanted spam. [Channel 13, Sacremento story].

Given that the CAN-SPAM act specifically legalizes political spam, I don't think this will get a lot of traction. In this particular case, however, she's suing under the California anti-spam law which is somewhat tougher than CAN-SPAM. This may be worth watching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is not represented by the Law Offices of Nejadpour & Associates

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, it should be, "She is now represented by the Law Offices of Nejadpour & Associates.

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she was just taking actual spammers to court that would be one thing, but she is taking innocent business owners to court too. The judge ruled in MY favor not hers. She needs to eat her words. She wants to manipulate the the words of the law in her favor but the ONE email she received from me did not classify as spam and she never asked to not receive continued emails to me. I subscribed her to nothing and yet she wrote me a letter DEMANDING 1,000. She also FAILS to realize that the CAN SPAM Act Superceeds the CA Anti Spam laws and CAN SPAM specifically states that she needs to go through the FTC. She isn't in this to help the world out by fighting SPAM she is in this for the Money. She couldn't make it as a ligitimate hard working person like the rest of us and has stooped to this level... talk about wasting tax payer money...

10:50 PM  
Blogger Spam Diaries said...

You say you sent her ONE email. Did she ask for that email? How many thousands, or was it millions, of people did you send ONE email? Spam is still spam, even if it doesn't specifically violate the CAN-SPAM act.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[s]he also FAILS to realize that the CAN SPAM Act Superceeds the CA Anti Spam laws and CAN SPAM specifically states that she needs to go through the FTC."

Read the law again. 3 spammers I sued made the same argument, using the 4th circuit case, and failed in both California and Federal Court.

See the latest ruling:

10:44 PM  

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