Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Name and Shame -- Dyndns leaks my email

Today, I got hit by a phishing email from a Russian spammer.  The email was sent to a tagged email address I had only given to dyndns.org.

Did they sell their mailing lists, or were they stolen?  I don't really care; they had a duty to keep that information away from spammers and they failed.


  1. Yvan Sorbas3:31 PM

    Same here! dyndns@mydomain.example.com just sent me an E-Mail pretending to be booking.com
    My guess is their User DB was hacked.

  2. Hey there. if you have spamples, please send them to me at spam fighter@gmail.com

  3. Hi all - we were neither hacked or sold addresses. Here's what we've been looking into: http://www.dynstatus.com/dyndns/2787/scattered-reports-of-spam-being-sent-to-dyndns-users

    Please send any emails with headers to me at Josh (at) Dyn (dot com). Thanks!

    - Josh

  4. Executive summary: Dyndns says the problem was that their email service was compromised.

  5. nice, thanks for the information. Glyn Willmoth

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Same thing just happened to me. Got a tagged e-mail for my grandparents. Looked up what I used it for and it was only DynDNS.
